April 1, 2023 – August 27, 2023

Ottawa Art Gallery 

from OAG site
from OAG site

This retrospective exhibition highlights the work of Ottawa-based artist Norman Takeuchi. Together, an array of drawings, paintings, and prints spanning the years 1961 to 2022 demonstrate the continuity of his artistic rigour. These works also make known the artist’s personal engagement with the impact of the Japanese Canadian internment and forced dispersal during World War II, and ultimate acceptance of his cultural heritage.

Viewing Norman Takeuchi’s decades of work together here not only demonstrates the result of a skilled and unique artistic practice, but also his story of finding an increasingly honest understanding of his own past, and embracing the collective legacy of his community.

Curators: Catherine Sinclair, Sachiko Okuda, Bryce Kanbara

OJCC crafts are on sale at the gallery shop to commemorate this exhibition. Please visit the shop!      

For more information, please see the gallery information.