The following event is taking place in Toronto.
This past September 22^nd was the 31st Anniversary of Redress. Hurrah! In this spirit we invite you to attend a lecture “How Japanese Canadians Shaped the Constitution” by Dr. Eric Adams, Professor of Law, University of Alberta on Thursday, November 7, 2019 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Don’t wait to save your seat at Alumni Hall 400, University of Toronto, 121 St. Joseph Street (corner Queen’s Park) as we are already near to half of our target and will soon release tickets to the general public.
Like the classic works on Japanese Canadian history; “The Enemy That Never Was” by Ken Adachi and the “Politics of Racism” by Ann Gomer Sunahara, this lecture is a game-changer for Japanese Canadians. Whether you need to be convinced of the rationale for B.C. Redress or you would like to be better informed of JC history you will learn much about how the old boys legal and political network of British Columbia was stacked against those with the courage to assert the rights of Japanese Canadians citizens.
Dr. Adams will be introduced by Justice Maryka Omatsu, Co-chair of the BC Redress Steering Committee.
Tickets $5.00; Complimentary for Toronto NAJC members, but you must reserve a ticket.
Please refer to the Toronto NAJC site for further information.